Hand Therapy
Hand therapy manages complex injuries and conditions of the upper extremities (shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand). Hand therapists help you recover, allowing you to function normally in your daily life.
Rehabilitation Services - Lakeville: (952) 985-2020
Rehabilitation Services - Northfield: (507) 646-8800
Hand Therapy
Hand therapists provide preventative care and post-surgical rehabilitation for a wide variety of disorders of the shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand.
From simple fingertip injuries to complex surgeries, we can help you recover. A hand therapist uses a variety of techniques and tools, including activity and exercise programs, fabrication of custom orthotics, management of pain and swelling and wound and scar care.
Conditions We Treat
- Amputation
- Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Crush injuries
- Cumulative trauma disorders
- DeQuervain Tendinopathy
- Dupuytren Disease
- Neurological conditions
- Peripheral nerve injuries
- Post-fracture
- Post stroke
- Post-tendon injury/repairs
- Scars
- Tennis Elbow
- Trigger Finger
- Wounds
Our Team of Doctors and Providers

Service Locations

Rehabilitation Services - Lakeville

Rehabilitation Services - Northfield