Classes + Events We Offer
NH+C offers a range of health classes and events to support you through all stages of life.

Childbirth and Parenting Education
We offer a variety of childbirth preparation, baby, and parenting education classes to help support your growing family.

CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification
Obtain CPR, AED, and First Aid certification. Blended eLearning courses are available. Courses for healthcare providers and non-providers.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Quality, local EMS education that meets the scheduling needs of the adult learner, featuring hands-on, scenario-based learning.

Reshape U!
ReShape U! provides an affordable opportunity for education + support to help change your eating habits and step out of the dieting mentality.

Support Groups
Meet and share with others who understand your perspective, and receive educational, practical, social, and emotional support. Always free and welcoming.

NH+C Employee Classes
Continuing Education Classes for NH+C Employees