When to Call to Come to the Hospital
Comfort measures for early labor:
- A warm bath or shower. Keep well rested.
- Change positions: If you are lying down, try walking or vice versa. Try lying on your left side with pillows to support you.
- Keep you bladder empty: A full bladder causes more contractions and can make you uncomfortable.
- Drink enough fluids to keep your urine pale yellow (Water, fruit juice or broth).
- If early labor starts or continues, eat light foods.

Call the hospital as soon as you experience any of the following:
- Your water breaks with a gush or sometimes even an on-going trickle of fluids. Do not wait until contractions have started.
- Regular contractions. With true labor, the time between contractions will gradually shorten and the intensity gradually increases. Typically, we recommend that the contractions be around 5 minutes apart lasting about a minute for an hour before coming in.
- Bleeding that is bright red and more than a couple of tablespoons, is an indication for you to call and come in to the hospital immediately. Even if it is not accompanied by any by any pain or discomfort. *** Bloody show or small amounts of bloody mucous (pink, brown, red or clear) is normal and may or may not accompany the start of labor. It is also common to see bloody show for up to 48 hours after a vaginal exam.
- A decrease in your baby’s activity.
- Any elevation of temperature above 100.4°F
Please always call before coming to the hospital, so that we can be prepared for your arrival. 507-646-1205
Things to Bring to the Hospital:
- Bathing/shower supplies
- Clothes for going home
- Music of your choice
- Snacks for support person/you
- Robe/nightgown
- Comfortable clothing if you choose to wear your own
- Flip flop/slippers (walking around)
- Entertainment (DVD in postpartum rooms, games, etc)
- Outfit for going home
- Pacifiers (if using)
- T-shirt/onsie
- Blankets (receiving, etc.)
- Car seat (with no aftermarket products-snow suit, toys, etc.)