Peggy Schoenbauer

Peggy wanted to lose weight to improve her health.
“It was to the point where if I walked anywhere I was breathing hard, my back hurt, my knees hurt. I had to do something.”
With her oldest grandson going into high school, it hit home. “I have five grandkids. I want to see them grow up and graduate and get married and have kids. I want to be able to do stuff with them. I just knew I had to do this – for them and for me.”
ReShape U had the right ingredients: a philosophy of mindful eating, nutrition lessons, practical tips and recipes, and ongoing personal support.
Peggy joined ReShape U’s 10-week weight loss class, and weekly support group. Classes equipped Peggy for a lifestyle of healthy eating; the weekly support group keeps her going. In 10 months, she has lost nearly 70 pounds, and counting.
Her blood pressure medication has been cut in half. “If I keep going, I can get off the blood pressure meds completely,” Peggy says.
“My health and energy are so much better. I don’t have trouble going up and down steps anymore. Before, I’d stand on the deck and watch the kids play. Now I get out in the yard with them and throw the lacrosse ball or kick the soccer ball.”
Peggy walks a half mile to a mile every morning now. The first time she walked up the hill to her son’s house she surprised the kids, “They said ‘Good for you, Grandma!’” Peggy beams.
The modest cost of ReShape U -- $50 for 10 weeks of class, led by a registered dietitian nutritionist – is a great investment, Peggy says.
“It’s worth $50 to learn what’s in the food you’re eating; how to use common sense; how to change your habits and make choices for your own health.” For example? “I didn’t like green vegetables, but ReShape U has got me eating Brussel sprouts now. They’re so good.”
And weekly support meetings are well worth $30 per month, and the time. “It’s so nice to be able to sit and talk with other people facing the same challenges,” Peggy says.
And that support group at home helps, too.