Early Pregnancy Class
You're Invited!!

Who: Any pregnant person and one support person. Registration is required. This course is required prior to your first obstetrical visit with a provider.
What: Join other expecting parents to learn about what to expect with prenatal care, early pregnancy education, women's health and learn about the Birth Center. Class is led by our Certified Nurse Midwives. Allows you to have all your questions answered prior to your first prenatal care visit.
Why: To reduce the overall length of your first OB visit and allow greater time for teaching and questions prior to your first appointment with a provider.
When: Every other Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:00 pm (except public holidays). Registration is required. We’ll register you when scheduling your first OB appointment.
Where: Northfield Hospital Meeting Room C. Drive around to the back side of the hospital and enter in through the Wound Care Center entrance to check in with the receptionist, then follow the signs.
Call the Women’s Health Center with any questions: 507-646-1478
No food or drinks will be offered, you may bring as needed. Class is limited to a maximum of one guest per registered pregnant person due to space.