Childbirth and New Parent Classes
We offer a variety of classes including childbirth, preparing for baby's arrival and after baby arrives. We also offer a live birth center video chat where you can see a birthing suite and ask questions.
Childbirth and New Parent Classes
NH+C offers a variety of classes taught by Amma Parenting, NH+C staff and Rice County Public Health.
Most classes are taught through our partnership with Amma Parenting. Amma Parenting offers a wide variety of classes to prepare you for childbirth and beyond including Infant CPR, New Mama, Natural Childbirth, Labor Skills Workshop and more. You are welcome to sign up for any Amma Class. Visit Amma Parenting for descriptions of additional classes.
You will need to create an account with Amma Parenting to complete your sign-up. If you see a class without a sign-up button, the class is full. Contact Amma Parenting to be placed on a waiting list at 952-926-2229. Amma offers in-person, virtual and online classes.
If you have any questions regarding childbirth education, please contact
Clase Prenatal para Latinos
Educacion en espanol para el parto y lactancia materna. Llama a Sharisse o Susy (interpretes del hospital) al 507-646-1069.
Classes Available
Types of Childbirth and Parenting Classes Available
Topics covered:
- The final weeks of pregnancy through the stages and phases of labor and into postpartum
- Knowledge of birthing interventions and how they may be used during your birth if you choose including:
- coping strategies
- medications for comfort
- cesarean sections
- inductions and medical interventions
- Preparing for Childbirth 3-week class is the only class that includes hands on breathing and relaxation
Preparing for Baby Classes
These classes are a great fit for expectant parents interested in preparing for your newborn. Expectant parents should plan to complete this class by the 36th week of pregnancy.
Breastfeeding (Taught by Amma)
- One session – 2.5 hours
Topics covered:
- How to get started in the hospital
- Establishing a milk supply
- Signs of success and when to seek help
- How partners/family can help a successful breastfeeding partner
- Gain confidence through knowledge
Lecture based class with some activities to help reinforce what you have learned
Newborns 101 – Learn about caring for your newborn (Taught by Amma)
- One session – 2.5 hours
Topics Covered:
- Care procedures at birth
- How to swaddle
- Newborn behaviors and cues and how to respond
- Car seat installation basics
- How to diaper using dolls
- The mixture of video, hands-on practice and real-life scenarios go beyond what you can read online
Other Classes
Amma Parenting offers a wide variety of classes to prepare you for childbirth and your new baby including Infant CPR, Natural Childbirth, Labor Skills Workshop and more. You are welcome to sign up for any Amma Class. Visit Amma's website for for descriptions of additional classes.
Choose a Class
Use the next button at the top of the list to see more offerings.
After Baby Arrives Classes
Breastfeeding Services (Taught by NH+C)
Northfield Hospital + Clinics offers education and support from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to help make breastfeeding a positive experience for you and your new baby. Learn more about breastfeeding services.
Newborn – Baby Talk
FREE classes for parents with babies 0-12 weeks. Care for older siblings is always available & free.
Join other new parents to share the joys and challenges of the new human in your life. Class is co-lead by a teacher, nurse, and lactation
specialist to answer all your questions about sleep, feeding, family changes, and development. You can also weigh your baby.
Every Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am (except public holidays).
Northfield Community Education Center, 700 Lincoln Parkway. Enter Door #1 & follow orange signs.
Questions? Contact Ellen at or call/text 507.301.7369.
Free! Just show registration necessary.
Baby Talk is a collaboration between NH+C staff, Northfield Public Schools, Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Program, and Rice County Public Health Nursing.
Health Clips
You can watch a variety of educational videos on many mom/baby topics from the comfort of your own home or on your TV in the Birth Center. To watch at home, click on Health Clips. Enter Northfield Hospital + Clinic’s passcode 40111.
New Parent Classes (Taught by Amma Parenting)
Amma Parenting offers a wide variety of classes to help you after your baby has arrived. to prepare you for childbirth and your new baby including Infant CPR, New Mama, Baby Massage, Grandparent classes and more. You are welcome to sign up for any Amma Class. Visit Amma's website for for descriptions of additional classes.

Birth Center tours for expecting parents
Second Monday of each month, 6:00-7:00 pm
Tour a delivery room | Learn about monitoring
Try out birth aids | Ask questions
Have specific questions? Email them to us when you register.
Space is limited. Registration required: Email
(Please note tour may be cancelled if the Birth Center is busy.)
Topics Covered:
- Tour of the birthing suite
- Open discussion/chat. Ask your questions
- Learn about birthing aides
- Laboring technologies, devices, and amenities
- Visitor guidelines