
Meals-On-Wheels is a Northfield Hospital-supported, volunteer organization dedicated to meeting the nutritional needs of the community through home-delivered meals. Meals-On-Wheels coordinates a broad network of volunteer drivers who deliver noon meals prepared by Northfield Hospital nutrition staff.
Please call 507-646-1036 for information on volunteering for Meals-On-Wheels.
Meals-On-Wheels Board Members
- Shari Sneary, 952-303-1850
- Barbara Klinkhammer, 507-291-0286
- Bob Tabery, 651-341-8557
- Sue Evans and Annie Kramer, 507-261-7859
Covid-19 Precautions
- Northfield Meals on Wheels uses social distance practices of 6 feet or more to protect clients and drivers from possible exposure to COVID-19.
- All MOW volunteers wear a mask.
- We deliver meals to the door of private homes, and to the lobby of apartment and assisted living facilities.
- We don’t enter homes. We stay six feet or more away from individuals at all times.
- We put each meal in a plastic grocery sack with handles, labeled with the client’s name. Drivers can hang the bag on a door handle (to keep it off the ground) or leave in building lobbies.
- At private homes, drivers ring the bell or knock to let clients know their meal is here. At apartments and assisted living facilities, driver lets the building manager know meals are here, or can buzz clients’ apartment if the building has an intercom system in its lobby.
- Driver uses hand sanitizer between deliveries.
- Please limit your greetings to a wave through the window or a cheery hello through a closed door.
- We want to keep everyone safe – and well-fed.
Meals-On-Wheels Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to receive Meals-On-Wheels?
Participants must live within the city limits of Northfield. There must be space available in the program.
How do I order Meals-On-Wheels?
Call the Culinary Services Department at Northfield Hospital at 507-646-1022. They will register you for Meals-On-Wheels. If space is not available, you can be added to the waiting list.
What information will you need from me before I can begin receiving Meals-On-Wheels?
We need to know your name, address, phone number, referring health care provider’s name, the name of the person who will be responsible for the payment of your bill, and when you want delivery of Meals-On-Wheels to begin. We will also need the name and phone number of a contact person whom we can call in the event we are unable to reach you.
Who prepares Meals-On-Wheels?
The staff of Northfield Hospital’s Culinary Services Department prepares the meals.
Who delivers Meals-On-Wheels?
Volunteers from the community deliver the meals. From day to day, it is likely that a different person will deliver your meal.
On what days are Meals-On-Wheels available?
Meals-On-Wheels are available seven days a week, 365 days a year, including holidays. You must, however, commit to at least five meals per week.
What is the cost of Meals-On-Wheels?
The cost of the meal is $7.15.
What foods will be provided with my meal?
Your meal will consist of an entrée that may be meat, fish or poultry. Also included will be a potato or pasta, a cooked vegetable, a salad or juice, bread with margarine, a dessert and milk, depending upon your health care provider’s diet order. You may request skim milk, 1%, 2% or whole milk, and either white or whole-wheat bread with your meal. No other substitutions, please.
What time will my meal be delivered?
Your meal will be delivered between 12:15 and 1:00 p.m. Delivery begins at 12:15 p.m. and may take up to an hour, depending on the number of people receiving meals that day.
How do I prepare for the delivery of my meals?
Please be ready for delivery between 12:15 and 1:00 p.m. As part of COVID-19 precautions, meals are delivered to the door; the driver/delivery person does not enter your home. They'll knock to let you know your meal has arrived, and will leave it outside your door. If you live in an apartment building, your meal will be delivered to the lobby.
What should I do if I have not received my meal by 1:00 p.m.?
Please call the Culinary Services Department, (507) 646-1022. Let them know of your concern. They will check on your meal and, if there is a problem, they will arrange for the delivery of your meal.
How can I cancel my meal for one day?
Please call the Culinary Services Department, (507) 646-1022, before 10:00 a.m. on the day that you will not need the meal. Tell them that you want to cancel your meal for one day. Be sure to specify the date that you’d like to have your delivery canceled and that you would like the delivery to resume on the following day.
How can I cancel my Meals-On-Wheels permanently?
Please call the Culinary Services Department, (507) 646-1022. Tell them that you want to cancel your Meals-On-Wheels permanently. Let them know the last day on which you want to receive a meal and be sure to specify that, at the present time, you do not wish to have delivery resumed.
What happens if I am away from home and forgot to cancel delivery of my meal?
Any meal prepared by the Culinary Services Department and sent out with a driver will be charged to you at the rate of $7.15 per meal.
What should I do if I have a guest for dinner?
Please call the Culinary Services Department at (507) 646-1022. If there is a space available on your route, we can send an extra meal for your guest. The cost of the additional meal will be $7.15.
How do I pay for my Meals-On-Wheels?
Northfield Hospital will bill you monthly for your meals. The statement will be for a specific calendar month and will note the number of meals you received during that month and the dates on which you received them. Meals from the previous month that have not yet been paid for will be included in your current bill. If you are eligible for third party payments, you may not receive a bill at all.
Whom do I call if I have a question regarding the billing for my Meals-On-Wheels?
Call Patient Financial Services at Northfield Hospital (507) 646-1399, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.
How do I pay my Meals-On-Wheels bill?
You must return the upper portion of your statement and indicate on this statement the amount of your payment. Make your check payable to Meals-On-Wheels and mail it, with the upper portion of your statement, to Northfield Hospital, 2000 North Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057-1697.