First job? “Lifeguard. I got my certification at 16, and worked at a community pool. I learned how to be aware, and watch for cues. That helps me now as a pediatrician: Toddlers can’t really tell you what’s going on, so you watch them to get a sense of what they can and can’t do. I teach parents what to watch for too – which behaviors are normal, and which are notable.
Free time? “I have three young girls, so a lot of my time is parenting, and spending time with my wife when we can. As a family, we like to hang out at home and play games. Since moving here from Florida, it’s been fun to explore a new community. I also like to exercise, especially weightlifting. I’ve been going to the gym five days a week since I was a teenager. It’s an easy, consistent way to have quiet time for yourself and reset.
Best part of your work? “Working with kids brings so much joy. They’re just so cute. When you see a happy kid, the joy and silliness they radiate is just fun.”
Best advice you ever got? “Find a good balance in life. The busyness of work can overshadow the things you enjoy with your family and friends. For kids, some are so overbooked with school, sports, activities. A lot of kids struggle with feeling overwhelmed. It’s important to find balance where they can be happy.”
Why healthcare? “I knew I wanted to spend time with people and help them. Becoming a doctor was hard work, but it was a clear-cut path. I chose pediatrics because I’m one of 7 kids, and was very involved in taking care of my younger siblings. I like the resiliency of kids: They can bounce back and heal so well, even if they get seriously sick.”
If not healthcare, what would you be doing? I daydream sometimes about being a stay-at-home dad, because I love spending time with my family, and I know the benefits that kids get from actively engaged parents. Then other times I think it would be fun to own a gym and be more involved in health through fitness. It's always uplifting to see others on their journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Dr. Wood sees patients in the Northfield Clinic. Appointments: 507-646-1494