Breast Care

Breast Care Close to Home

The Breast Care Center provides comprehensive and compassionate health care for all breast related issues in a quiet and comfortable setting.

To schedule a mammogram: 507-646-1143. To talk to the Breast Care Nurse Navigator: 507-646-1455.

Breast Care Center

The Breast Care Center provides high-end, digital imaging including 3D mammograms, with personalized education and support. It resides in Northfield Hospital just a few steps from the Women’s Health Center and the Northfield Clinic.

Breast Care Center Amenities

Providing the special touches to make your stay more comfortable.

  • Warm gowns
  • Private waiting room for breast care center patients
  • Soft mammo pads to cushion equipment

Breast Care Navigator

A Breast Care Navigator is available to help patients navigate their decision-making process and to help with scheduling and education. The Breast Cancer Navigator is an RN and helps:

  • Educate patients on diagnosis and treatment
  • Triage symptoms related to disease and treatment
  • Schedule appointments
  • Navigate the insurance system on behalf of the patient
  • Assist with patient and family paperwork
  • Liaison with the Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology providers and staff.

Diagnostic Imaging

The Breast Care Center encourages regular breast exams for women of all ages and screening mammograms every year for women age 40 and older.  You can schedule your mammogram directly with our schedulers at 507-646-1143.

  1. Screening Mammogram - Checks for changes in the breast and helps diagnose breast cancer and other conditions. Learn more about 3D mammograms
  2. Diagnostic Mammography - Looks more closely at a specific area of the breast.  Addresses lumps, discharge, skin changes or other abnormalities found in a screening or noted by a provider. 
  3. Breast Ultrasound - Exam performed to tell the difference between a solid lesion or fluid filled cyst. 
  4. Breast MRI - Breast MRI may be used with  mammography to screen certain  patients such as those with a high risk of breast cancer.  MRI is also useful in finding out the stages of breast cancer, treatment options and patient follow-up after  treatment.
  5. Diagnostic Testing - If there are any concerns after seeing your breast imaging, the radiologist may recommend more diagnostic tests. The vast majority of these tests find noncancerous results, but it is important for you to have them if recommended. The Breast Care Center has the latest diagnostic tools, including:
  • Cyst aspiration – procedure to obtain fluid using a small needle.
  • Needle core breast biopsy – procedure to get a core sample of tissue using a hollow needle. May be stereotactic, MRI or ultrasound-guided.
  • Needle localization – uses a thin wire to guide a surgeon to an abnormality in the breast.

Breast Cancer Care

Thanks to advancements in research, treatment and early diagnosis, millions of people are surviving breast cancer today. If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, this can be a confusing and scary time for both you and your loved ones. We’re here to help you throughout your cancer journey.

We provide advanced cancer care services in a comfortable, soothing setting. You’ll receive care close to home saving you, your friends and family the driving time and expense of staying overnight and eating out. Patients say we’ve made their lives easier by the cancer care resources we offer in Northfield.

Cancer Care & Infusion Center

We offer comprehensive breast cancer services including:

  • On-site cancer clinic where medical oncologists see patients
  • Mayo Clinic Radiation Therapy across the street
  • Full service chemotherapy and infusions in a calm, soothing setting
  • Surgical services, including biopsies and reconstruction
  • Cancer Care Navigator
  • Support Groups
  • On-site lab services

Get detailed information on the Cancer Care & Infusion Center.

Our Team of Doctors and Providers

Dr. Ellie Cohen
Cohen, Ellie
Breast Care
Dr. Katya Ericson
Ericson, Katya
Breast Care
Katie Stime, RN, BSN, OCN
George, Katie
Breast Care
Ashley Marek portrait
Marek, Ashley
Breast Care
Dr. David Morrell
Morrell, David
Breast Care
Anya Sibunka, RN, BSN, OCN
Sibunka, Anya
Breast Care

Service Locations


Breast Care Center

2000 North Avenue
Northfield, Minnesota 55057
Closed Now
Sun: Closed
Mon: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Tue: 8:00 am-5:30 pm
Wed - Fri: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Sat: Closed

Cancer Care & Infusion Center

2000 North Avenue
Northfield, Minnesota 55057
Closed Now
Sun: Closed
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Sat: Closed